In data analysis, information is often structured in organized in tables that have a certain number of rows and columns like an Excel spreadsheet or relational database table.
R data frames are a type of data structure designed to hold such tabular data. A data frame consists of a number of rows and columns, with each column representing some variable or feature of the data and each row representing a record.
A data frame is similar to a matrix in that it is a 2-dimensional data structure but unlike a matrix, different columns can hold data of different types. It is composed of many lists.
You can create a new data frame by passing vectors of the same length to the data.frame() function.
a <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
b <- c("R", "Workshop", "SCOMB", "bioinfom", "biology")
# Create a new data frame
my_frame <- data.frame(a, b, c)
You can also change your column and row names.
# Change column names
colnames(my_frame) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
# Add row names
rownames(my_frame) <- c("r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5")
For reference, we will be loading a dataset on phage-host interaction to illustrate the use of dataframes in reading dataset files.
dataset <- read.delim("phages.tsv")
Summarizing Data Frames
Data frames support many of the summary functions that apply to matrices and lists.
The str() function gives an overview of the structure of the Data Frame. It is useful to check the structure first, since running a full summary can take a while if you are working with a lot of data.
The summary() function gives summary statistics for each variable in the data frame.
str(dataset) # get a sense of the range of values in your dataset
'data.frame': 18406 obs. of 27 variables:
$ Accession : chr "LR756511" "LR756508" "LR756504" "LR756503" ...
$ Description : chr "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage" ...
$ Classification : chr "uncultured phage environmental samples Viruses" "uncultured phage environmental samples Viruses" "uncultured phage environmental samples Viruses" "uncultured phage environmental samples Viruses" ...
$ Genome.Length..bp. : int 595163 484177 636363 735411 642428 735411 462018 485034 634780 540217 ...
$ Jumbophage : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
$ molGC.... : num 42.1 39.6 26.4 32.2 31.5 ...
$ Molecule : chr "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" ...
$ Modification.Date : chr "26-MAR-2020" "26-MAR-2020" "26-MAR-2020" "26-MAR-2020" ...
$ Number.CDS : int 1080 683 920 1014 971 1014 672 663 944 830 ...
$ Positive.Strand.... : num 20.6 98.4 52 30.3 54.6 ...
$ Negative.Strand.... : num 79.35 1.61 48.04 69.72 45.42 ...
$ Coding.Capacity... : num 93.2 89.6 92.8 93.1 94.5 ...
$ Low.Coding.Capacity.Warning : chr NA NA NA NA ...
$ tRNAs : int 62 31 34 56 45 56 26 35 57 30 ...
$ Host : chr "Unspecified" "Unspecified" "Unspecified" "Unspecified" ...
$ Lowest.Taxa : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Genus : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Family : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Order : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Class : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Phylum : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Kingdom : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Realm : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Baltimore.Group : chr "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" "Unclassified" ...
$ Genbank.Division : chr "ENV" "ENV" "ENV" "ENV" ...
$ Isolation.Host..beware.inconsistent.and.nonsense.values.: chr "Unspecified" "Unspecified" "Unspecified" "Unspecified" ...
Accession Description Classification Genome.Length..bp. Jumbophage molGC.... Molecule Modification.Date Number.CDS
Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406 Min. : 1881 Mode :logical Min. :22.07 Length:18406 Length:18406 Min. : 2.00
Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 35085 FALSE:17966 1st Qu.:39.31 Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 46.00
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median : 45937 TRUE :440 Median :46.31 Mode :character Mode :character Median : 68.00
Mean : 62064 Mean :48.43 Mean : 89.98
3rd Qu.: 68657 3rd Qu.:58.58 3rd Qu.: 97.00
Max. :735411 Max. :72.69 Max. :1080.00
Positive.Strand.... Negative.Strand.... Coding.Capacity... Low.Coding.Capacity.Warning tRNAs Host Lowest.Taxa Genus
Min. : 0.00 Min. : 0.000 Min. : 13.67 Length:18406 Min. : 0.000 Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406
1st Qu.: 47.62 1st Qu.: 2.174 1st Qu.: 89.19 Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.000 Class :character Class :character Class :character
Median : 77.19 Median : 22.807 Median : 91.51 Mode :character Median : 0.000 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Mean : 70.09 Mean : 29.913 Mean : 90.76 Mean : 2.432
3rd Qu.: 97.83 3rd Qu.: 52.381 3rd Qu.: 93.46 3rd Qu.: 1.000
Max. :100.00 Max. :100.000 Max. :2539.34 Max. :62.000 Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom Realm Baltimore.Group
Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406 Length:18406
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Genbank.Division Isolation.Host..beware.inconsistent.and.nonsense.values.
Length:18406 Length:18406
Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character
Data frames support a few other basic summary operations.
[1] 18406 27
[1] 18406
[1] 27
If a data frame is large, you won’t want to try to print the entire frame to the screen. You can look at a few rows at the beginning or end of a data frame using the head() and tail() functions respectively:
head(dataset, 5)
tail(dataset, 5)
Dataframe Indexing
Since data frame are lists under the hood, where each list object is a column, they support the indexing operations that apply to lists.
Data frames also support matrix-like indexing by using a single square bracket with a comma separating the index value for the row and column. Matrix indexing allows you get values by row or specific values within the data frame.
****You can also delete columns in a data frame by assigning them a value of NULL.***
[1] "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA"
[1] "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA"
[1] "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA" "DNA"
# Get the value at row 2 column 6
dataset[2, 6]
[1] 39.553
# Get the second row
dataset[2, ]
# Get the 6th column
dataset[, 6]
[1] 42.110 39.553 26.393 32.225 31.472 32.225 24.326 55.114 29.181 25.796 26.012 26.022 26.020 26.029 26.053 26.019 26.032 25.986 26.031 25.968 25.878 25.880 25.879
[24] 25.877 49.916 49.820 50.520 50.525 50.525 50.615 50.607 50.595 50.615 51.602 50.500 50.499 50.515 50.535 51.603 51.540 51.534 51.596 51.596 51.612 51.559 51.613
[47] 51.613 52.449 51.500 51.553 51.522 51.464 51.515 49.518 49.506 49.503 50.574 50.711 50.754 50.677 50.738 50.733 50.732 50.734 50.730 50.733 50.734 50.734 50.734
[70] 50.740 50.734 50.703 50.735 50.725 50.728 50.726 50.698 50.700 50.718 50.722 50.724 50.703 50.728 50.720 50.723 50.722 50.717 50.711 50.719 48.909 48.908 36.831
[93] 62.301 36.892 33.187 33.315 36.908 36.832 28.979 43.029 26.931 54.042 57.005 51.903 51.779 51.781 53.988 53.809 47.739 48.018 49.559 53.619 53.575 53.279 54.077
[116] 51.811 53.157 44.044 50.057 43.998 54.122 56.279 45.548 55.452 47.406 54.060 53.118 50.094 54.073 54.231 47.800 47.999 44.687 50.022 56.338 53.192 54.101 56.906
[139] 47.605 44.673 53.813 54.013 53.939 53.931 54.002 53.702 45.864 50.807 48.535 53.848 52.370 45.622 44.974 67.415 50.155 51.690 51.667 50.535 50.700 50.237 50.734
[162] 50.579 50.581 50.582 50.581 50.583 59.334 35.687 30.019 60.029 67.716 58.164 66.763 65.928 66.155 66.700 67.030 58.257 51.738 58.339 67.350 39.517 62.337 36.365
[185] 37.253 36.308 38.605 38.594 38.321 39.197 49.731 38.933 35.101 49.871 46.829 43.366 34.103 40.860 43.298 35.679 40.024 49.316 40.530 44.995 48.701 40.915 37.773
[208] 40.717 46.312 55.361 41.566 42.303 35.273 37.626 47.791 43.972 36.378 43.419 45.353 53.161 38.532 38.442 43.501 38.447 32.001 46.700 39.583 40.962 34.181 44.346
[231] 38.665 38.358 42.232 40.576 36.006 39.400 39.529 37.373 46.386 39.875 46.379 35.529 46.107 48.339 47.028 47.805 47.432 37.634 37.241 36.102 31.904 39.310 35.132
[254] 45.092 42.737 43.977 35.238 35.533 41.001 44.123 31.320 46.112 43.833 39.926 41.257 45.431 36.830 45.332 36.071 42.613 39.359 39.822 44.920 37.289 39.190 36.022
[277] 35.913 43.147 38.272 40.441 41.924 37.969 38.899 56.959 33.201 43.425 37.566 41.162 37.879 37.442 40.285 34.139 34.211 36.470 38.265 34.390 32.695 40.526 33.179
[300] 35.597 32.763 42.860 46.093 45.847 46.729 48.281 36.139 40.778 35.435 44.221 42.606 32.120 40.725 49.594 39.978 38.644 47.107 43.120 43.540 38.937 49.825 33.641
[323] 50.929 35.374 38.185 43.828 43.314 40.854 40.953 45.422 45.891 33.195 46.867 43.972 37.223 44.694 41.823 46.034 47.870 47.023 31.608 41.642 40.863 46.459 37.439
[346] 41.547 37.254 39.246 48.933 39.785 35.399 40.053 40.532 37.309 33.041 46.950 43.118 45.094 42.487 42.093 42.436 39.029 46.384 36.178 40.587 41.927 40.808 35.813
[369] 42.205 34.033 40.333 43.624 32.945 29.872 54.818 45.206 58.162 55.147 55.754 55.608 52.825 62.202 55.657 55.635 62.228 44.644 57.235 55.730 55.659 62.215 52.575
[392] 62.181 55.547 48.290 42.954 43.845 34.810 60.852 60.857 63.592 64.237 51.634 62.677 59.199 67.929 66.567 60.877 67.062 56.139 63.894 69.126 68.895 57.669 61.246
[415] 63.327 50.436 59.144 63.519 63.395 68.426 61.680 67.804 63.557 63.020 60.499 62.744 62.935 59.034 61.422 66.452 68.934 69.318 49.365 49.317 68.747 59.191 68.871
[438] 63.708 61.257 60.199 66.987 59.140 63.525 65.415 49.308 67.589 66.379 61.845 68.884 67.139 68.607 51.793 63.756 63.539 59.638 70.655 67.349 61.231 63.890 50.137
[461] 68.935 61.345 64.959 52.415 52.339 36.921 35.908 67.000 67.666 64.676 61.631 63.676 59.614 68.903 66.909 66.885 64.825 54.961 62.805 67.027 66.966 63.920 39.704
[484] 59.134 40.033 66.971 62.664 62.598 59.080 67.111 66.601 66.785 67.419 53.631 67.611 66.718 64.693 57.654 68.716 67.681 57.617 60.229 62.689 68.490 59.308 68.634
[507] 37.465 34.103 34.591 44.424 44.366 44.470 35.355 33.411 37.019 36.783 33.015 29.915 29.834 44.908 39.348 44.103 51.754 33.464 33.414 58.909 56.907 66.592 66.466
[530] 64.724 63.450 64.700 64.633 49.275 61.917 60.268 63.663 30.161 35.589 61.865 35.432 34.655 54.615 28.166 45.551 39.290 54.693 46.871 43.370 44.825 46.012 52.498
[553] 45.213 43.799 52.859 50.051 49.165 34.820 67.046 50.437 50.220 50.700 53.747 50.456 52.979 45.402 40.904 45.438 41.724 68.747 68.542 68.852 68.490 68.803 68.723
[576] 68.563 68.747 68.746 68.749 68.512 68.559 68.815 69.109 68.528 68.974 68.822 68.642 68.791 68.989 68.737 68.735 68.940 68.749 68.848 68.759 68.759 68.759 68.760
[599] 68.509 68.727 68.185 67.032 68.765 68.736 68.598 68.652 68.733 68.727 68.709 68.517 68.590 68.982 68.512 68.731 66.985 68.154 68.636 68.536 68.769 68.529 68.753
[622] 68.220 48.291 50.967 35.209 62.960 33.449 34.831 49.692 46.079 48.323 32.124 34.445 34.356 33.356 34.490 34.601 34.020 34.250 60.434 60.179 64.155 65.309 60.125
[645] 60.184 55.209 57.825 64.158 60.163 64.021 60.182 60.045 64.193 57.680 60.029 64.197 60.058 60.067 60.227 61.193 60.178 59.865 60.161 39.446 36.858 60.990 60.344
[668] 49.842 51.017 35.342 43.501 50.590 37.354 47.589 65.758 34.808 71.802 62.796 65.522 66.626 68.500 67.987 68.506 68.936 47.069 49.960 66.604 36.161 37.559 39.745
[691] 38.761 33.962 41.865 41.837 50.805 47.928 49.713 25.150 25.137 25.205 53.088 50.101 30.382 68.009 54.083 37.973 42.992 43.487 34.213 38.681 38.693 38.701 38.709
[714] 38.756 38.713 38.715 38.719 38.723 38.699 38.682 38.714 38.684 38.756 38.773 38.748 38.648 39.928 35.993 46.670 35.427 48.281 50.880 64.192 64.065 64.181 64.172
[737] 64.174 51.340 33.717 38.489 35.425 51.913 38.602 67.418 43.743 52.254 35.330 56.095 50.764 53.416 52.479 48.371 64.754 50.864 48.911 49.026 49.297 31.107 30.073
[760] 30.265 30.068 31.513 42.599 37.616 42.567 42.521 42.140 44.668 44.824 44.886 45.872 45.515 44.811 48.865 42.441 44.990 43.307 43.121 42.408 42.561 48.544 42.914
[783] 43.132 43.139 42.518 45.660 37.596 37.153 45.400 45.482 43.135 43.135 43.139 37.661 42.883 37.658 45.318 42.696 37.031 43.137 43.266 45.801 45.361 45.680 45.520
[806] 42.645 45.361 48.471 45.852 43.418 37.485 61.264 63.437 66.545 67.649 66.597 68.852 68.303 67.613 66.579 66.432 60.027 63.064 64.770 47.104 66.480 71.183 50.071
[829] 66.551 68.409 67.710 68.317 49.957 62.909 65.393 66.483 59.061 66.381 50.539 53.920 44.549 40.942 60.927 60.706 60.314 60.368 60.194 67.752 46.600 52.732 51.300
[852] 68.984 67.283 66.617 63.752 42.423 42.418 45.301 46.633 50.010 52.423 36.192 61.644 41.629 60.370 49.902 50.070 65.527 65.801 65.872 63.085 61.922 38.945 48.176
[875] 50.349 36.057 55.901 29.885 41.252 42.552 32.916 35.019 49.627 51.256 35.481 50.180 63.425 65.862 52.575 54.528 45.890 39.403 50.384 50.943 51.551 50.868 50.699
[898] 50.786 51.192 44.384 35.182 38.712 45.521 37.423 47.008 40.014 45.798 45.539 41.859 36.663 36.652 38.605 37.730 40.467 33.219 39.334 39.917 39.422 61.152 62.512
[921] 59.068 59.303 61.805 57.680 65.541 62.538 62.847 62.024 65.543 65.528 35.357 50.951 42.014 64.606 50.025 49.931 49.924 49.922 64.445 45.829 63.445 55.716 55.731
[944] 55.501 34.953 39.590 36.896 35.338 54.324 54.517 39.808 49.158 39.848 55.462 67.509 41.047 41.646 33.258 61.641 35.597 62.919 47.016 41.347 40.528 39.006 46.997
[967] 55.546 36.827 34.824 59.505 49.761 46.169 49.644 50.971 48.296 47.043 30.067 65.941 56.996 54.425 58.568 68.078 48.196 47.879 45.556 59.121 52.034 43.575 43.655
[990] 35.805 40.519 35.215 31.108 31.864 65.687 66.637 68.599 64.736 63.324 64.928
[ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 17406 entries ]
# Get a column by using its name
dataset[, "Description"]
[1] "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage"
[4] "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage"
[7] "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage" "uncultured phage"
[10] "Prevotella phage Lak-C1" "Prevotella phage Lak-B9" "Prevotella phage Lak-B8"
[13] "Prevotella phage Lak-B7" "Prevotella phage Lak-B6" "Prevotella phage Lak-B5"
[16] "Prevotella phage Lak-B4" "Prevotella phage Lak-B3" "Prevotella phage Lak-B2"
[19] "Prevotella phage Lak-B1" "Prevotella phage Lak-A2" "Prevotella phage Lak-A1"
[22] "Prevotella phage Lak-A1" "Prevotella phage Lak-A1" "Prevotella phage Lak-A1"
[25] "StxXX-converting phage Stx1_JNE110649" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_2409" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE090861"
[28] "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_2499" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE071577" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE111036"
[31] "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE102772" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE092371" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE112618"
[34] "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE122137" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE122536" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE130812"
[37] "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE121849" "Stx1a-converting phage Stx1_JNE122398" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_EH0474"
[40] "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_EH0430" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE110649" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE130578"
[43] "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_04E077" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE091235" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE121036"
[46] "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE102805" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE102208" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE082796"
[49] "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_2409" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE082642" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE072859"
[52] "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_JNE090279" "Stx2c-converting phage Stx2c_PV98-693" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE210578"
[55] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE202033" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE160313" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_EH1535"
[58] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_EH0474" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_EH0430" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE110649"
[61] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE130578" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_PV06-136" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_154"
[64] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE090996" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_PV06-98" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_04E077"
[67] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE131866" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE091235" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE121036"
[70] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE102805" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE102208" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE082796"
[73] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_2409" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE082642" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE090861"
[76] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_2499" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE072859" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE090279"
[79] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_PV98-693" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE071577" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE111036"
[82] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE102772" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE092371" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE112618"
[85] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE122137" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE122536" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE130812"
[88] "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE121849" "Stx2a-converting phage Stx2a_JNE122398" "Klebsiella phage GArcari-2022a"
[91] "Klebsiella phage GArcari-2022b" "Pseudomonas phage sp. NK1" "Pseudomonas phage sp. LP"
[94] "Pseudomonas phage sp. LC" "Pseudomonas phage sp. 30-3" "Pseudomonas phage sp. 30-2"
[97] "Pseudomonas phage sp. 30-1" "Pseudomonas phage sp. Brmt" "Campylobacter phage PC10"
[100] "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_Uz-1" "Clostridioides phage HGP05" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1i"
[103] "Klebsiella phage vB_Kp3" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA2b" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA2a"
[106] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA2a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1d" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1g"
[109] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS13d" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS13e" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiM12a"
[112] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1e" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1f" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA3c"
[115] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1j" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA3d" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1b"
[118] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiP4b" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiD7b" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiP4a"
[121] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1c" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS8a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS10a"
[124] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS11a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS13b" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1h"
[127] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA3b" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiD7a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1l"
[130] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1k" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS13a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS13c"
[133] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiM5a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiD7c" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS8c"
[136] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA3a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1a" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS6a"
[139] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiS13f" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiM5b" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1n"
[142] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1m" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1q" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1r"
[145] "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1o" "Klebsiella phage VLCpiA1p" "Salmonella phage SE-SHZ-R"
[148] "Klebsiella phage vB_KshKPC-M" "Klebsiella phage pKp383" "Klebsiella phage pKp11"
[151] "Plectonema phage Pbo-yong3" "Vibrio phage Va-yong3" "Pseudomonas phage Motto"
[154] "Stenotrophomonas phage vB_Sm_QDWS359" "Pantoea phage vB_PdeP_F5M1C" "Klebsiella phage vB_KvaP_F5M1D"
[157] "Klebsiella phage vB_KvaP_F4M1D" "Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS_F2M1D" "Pantoea phage vB_PdeP_F2M1C"
[160] "Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS_F1M1D" "Pantoea phage vB_PdeP_F1M1C" "Pantoea phage vB_PdiM_F5M2A"
[163] "Enterobacter phage vB_ExiM_F5M1E" "Enterobacter phage vB_ExiM_F4M1E" "Enterobacter phage vB_ExiM_F2M1E"
[166] "Enterobacter phage vB_ExiM_F1M1E" "Haloferax volcanii pleomorphic virus 1" "Staphylococcus phage vB_SpsS_VL4"
[169] "Staphylococcus phage vB_SauM-V1SA20" "Corynebacterium phage Arianna" "Gordonia phage Kewpiedoll"
[172] "Gordonia phage Patos" "Microbacterium phage Kenzers" "Mycobacterium phage Mask"
[175] "Mycobacterium phage Sejanus" "Mycobacterium phage GoldenAsh" "Microbacterium phage Marcie"
[178] "Gordonia phage OtterstedtS21" "Arthrobacter phage Linda" "Gordonia phage ParvusTarda"
[181] "Mycobacterium phage Langerak" "Escherichia phage Esco_phi_B-01" "Pseudomonas phage PNM"
[184] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_11" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_12" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_13"
[187] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_16" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_17" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_24"
[190] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_35" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_38" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_43"
[193] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_47" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_49" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_50"
[196] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_52" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_53" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_56"
[199] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_59" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_63" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_64"
[202] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_66" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_68" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_72"
[205] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_74" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_76" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_80"
[208] "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_81" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_85" "Dipodfec virus NeonRodF1_123"
[211] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_3" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_5" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_6"
[214] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_7" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_8" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_9"
[217] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_12" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_15" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_17"
[220] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF5_41" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_4" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_5"
[223] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_7" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_9" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_10"
[226] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_12" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_13" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_14"
[229] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_15" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_16" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF7_17"
[232] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_8" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_9" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_10"
[235] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_12" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_14" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_16"
[238] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_19" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_20" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_21"
[241] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_22" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_26" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_28"
[244] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_29" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_30" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_32"
[247] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_33" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_37" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_38"
[250] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_40" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_42" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_43"
[253] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_46" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_47" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_50"
[256] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_52" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_53" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_54"
[259] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_56" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_58" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_60"
[262] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_61" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_66" "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_872"
[265] "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_920" "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_963" "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_1071"
[268] "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_1114" "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_1125" "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_1217"
[271] "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_1340" "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_1363" "Dipodfec virus UA23Rod_1392"
[274] "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_3" "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_4" "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_5"
[277] "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_12" "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_16" "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_17"
[280] "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_19" "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_20" "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_21"
[283] "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_22" "Dipodfec virus UA06Rod_108" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_3874"
[286] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_3978" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4043" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4104"
[289] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4124" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4138" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4258"
[292] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4301" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4331" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4343"
[295] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4411" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4510" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4527"
[298] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4626" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4686" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4687"
[301] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4769" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4774" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4820"
[304] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4822" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4888" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4967"
[307] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5080" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5092" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5228"
[310] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5306" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5307" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5336"
[313] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5342" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5349" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5365"
[316] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5397" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5433" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5448"
[319] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5492" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5530" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5539"
[322] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5550" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5594" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5614"
[325] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5625" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5645" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5658"
[328] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5667" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5692" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5707"
[331] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5712" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5746" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5764"
[334] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5824" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5838" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5894"
[337] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5898" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5899" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5935"
[340] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_5936" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6044" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6051"
[343] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6079" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6083" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6110"
[346] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6120" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6125" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6143"
[349] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6151" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6219" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6251"
[352] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6396" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6403" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6404"
[355] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6451" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6476" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6488"
[358] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6521" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6554" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6581"
[361] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6641" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6706" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6727"
[364] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6752" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6800" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6926"
[367] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6951" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_6997" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_7256"
[370] "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_36" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_4577" "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_7365"
[373] "Sigmofec virus UA08Rod_7382" "Peromfec virus NeonRodF8_48" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa1"
[376] "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa48" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PeaS_FBPa47" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeS_FBPa45"
[379] "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa35" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa34" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa29"
[382] "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa25" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa21" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa24"
[385] "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa18" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa8" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa19"
[388] "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa12" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa10" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeP_FBPa6"
[391] "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa5" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa3" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa2"
[394] "Salmonella phage vB_SalS_PC192" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_PD205" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_PD328"
[397] "Riemerella phage vB_RanS_PT33" "Mycobacterium phage Ghoulboy" "Mycobacterium phage SydNat"
[400] "Mycobacterium phage Norz" "Mycobacterium phage Caviar" "Gordonia phage Vardy"
[403] "Gordonia phage Button" "Gordonia phage LilyPad" "Gordonia phage PullumCavea"
[406] "Mycobacterium phage TomBrady" "Streptomyces phage Doxi13" "Arthrobacter phage Janeemi"
[409] "Mycobacterium phage Baudelaire" "Mycobacterium phage Shygu2" "Microbacterium phage Upsilon"
[412] "Microbacterium phage Phorgeous" "Gordonia phage Rumi" "Mycobacterium phage Beakin"
[415] "Gordonia phage Hexbug" "Arthrobacter phage Uzumaki" "Gordonia phage Lidong"
[418] "Microbacterium phage PhredFlintston" "Microbacterium phage Thompsone" "Arthrobacter phage TaylorSipht"
[421] "Microbacterium phage Yuma" "Gordonia phage Salvador" "Arthrobacter phage NathanVaag"
[424] "Mycobacterium phage Quallification" "Gordoniaphage Biskit" "Arthrobacter phage Sakai"
[427] "Mycobacterium phage Argent26" "Gordonia phage MrWormie" "Mycobacterium phage Rockne"
[430] "Mycobacterium phage Soile" "Mycobacterium phage Blocker23" "Microbacterium phage Gingerbug"
[433] "Streptomyces phage Angela" "Streptomyces phage JimJam" "Microbacterium phage BinkBonk"
[436] "Gordonia phage Bianmat" "Mycobacterium phage Phantasmagoria" "Mycobacterium phage Peterson"
[439] "Mycobacterium phage Sabbb" "Microbacterium phage Corn21" "Microbacterium phage TurboVicky"
[442] "Gordonia phage Shelley" "Microbacterium phage Phireproof" "Arthrobacter phage Kels"
[445] "Streptomyces phage Spilled" "Gordonia phage Aleemily" "Mycobacterium phage Dati"
[448] "Gordonia phage Survivors" "Mycobacterium phage Austelle" "Mycobacterium phage Venti"
[451] "Microbacterium phage MrGreen" "Gordonia phage Pherobrine" "Microbacterium phage Quartz"
[454] "Microbacterium phage Librie" "Streptomyces phage JPandJE" "Microbacterium phage Cen1621"
[457] "Gordonia phage KappaFarmDelta" "Mycobacterium phage Leozinho" "Mycobacterium phage Iceman"
[460] "Arthrobacter phage GantcherGoblin" "Microbacterium phage CrazyRich" "Mycobacterium phage Jarcob"
[463] "Arthrobacter phage GlobiWarming" "Pectobacterium phage POP17" "Pectobacterium phage POP15"
[466] "Pectobacterium phage POP12" "Enterococcus phage ECP3" "Microbacterium phage Zagie"
[469] "Gordonia phage ViaConlectus" "Mycobacterium phage Maby2021" "Mycobacterium phage Rita"
[472] "Microbacterium phage Cheeto1" "Microbacterium phage Cece" "Microbacterium phage EarickHC"
[475] "Microbacterium phage Gazebo" "Microbacterium phage Grassboy" "Microbacterium phage Hannabella"
[478] "Microbacterium phage LuzDeMundo" "Microbacterium phage Pavlo" "Microbacterium phage Wheelie"
[481] "Microbacterium phage Viceroy" "Microbacterium phage HerculesXL" "Enterobacter phage Entb_43"
[484] "Natrinema virus SNJ2" "Enterobacter phage Entb_45" "Microbacterium phage Eula"
[487] "Arthrobacter phage Gorpy" "Mycobacterium phage Fayely" "Gordonia phage Sticker17"
[490] "Gordonia phage BobBob" "Mycobacterium phage Padpat" "Gordonia phage PCoral7"
[493] "Gordonia phage Malachai" "Microbacterium phage PineapplePizza" "Gordonia phage Meyran"
[496] "Gordonia phage Murp" "Mycobacterium phage Jedediah" "Gordonia phage NovaSharks"
[499] "Microbacterium phage Burgy" "Gordonia phage APunk" "Gordonia phage Genamy16"
[502] "Gordonia phage DalanDe" "Microbacterium phage Sparcetus" "Microbacterium phage Witch"
[505] "Mycobacterium phage DuncansLeg" "Arthrobacter phage Aoka" "Escherichia phage pEC-M2929-1AR.1"
[508] "Staphylococcus phage SAP8" "Staphylococcus phage SAP3" "Salmonella phage BRM 13313"
[511] "Salmonella phage BRM 13312" "Salmonella phage BRM 13314" "Staphylococcus phage SAP3"
[514] "Staphylococcus phage SAP8" "Enterococcus phage TJE2" "Enterococcus phage TJE1"
[517] "Enterococcus phage TJE4" "Staphylococcus phage vB_SauM-V1SA22" "Staphylococcus phage vB_SauM-V1SA19"
[520] "Klebsiella phage GZ8" "Acinetobacter phage AbpL" "Klebsiella phage KPN8"
[523] "Klebsiella phage KPN7" "Staphylococcus phage A12-4PHSA25" "Staphylococcus phage 1PHSA12"
[526] "Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_LC3I3" "Pseudomonas phage vB_Pae_HB2107-3I" "Mycobacterium phage Kashi_RDG1"
[529] "Mycobacterium phage Kashi_VT1" "Mycobacterium phage YemiJoy2021" "Microbacterium phage Figueroism"
[532] "Mycobacterium phage IkeLoa" "Mycobacterium phage Capablanca" "Streptomyces phage Stanimal"
[535] "Gordonia phage Anaysia" "Streptomyces phage RosePharie" "Mycobacterium phage Kenmech"
[538] "Staphylococcus phage SYL" "Shigella phage A2" "Rhodobacter phage RcXuper"
[541] "Escherichia phage ZCEC14" "Staphylococcus phage SEP1" "Escherichia phage PEC14"
[544] "Clostridium phage vB_CpeP_PM11" "Escherichia phage NTNC80A" "Acinetobacter phage vB_Ab4_Hep4"
[547] "Pseudomonas phage PH826" "Proteus phage Q29" "Vibrio phage vB_VaM_H2"
[550] "Vibrio phage phiKT1028" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnP_Klyazma" "Klebsiella phage GZ7"
[553] "Escherichia phage Lg3" "Escherichia phage TR1" "Escherichia phage Pondi"
[556] "Cronobacter phage SG01" "Vibrio phage SSJ01" "Enterococcus phage ZXL"
[559] "Gordonia phage Chop" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC110" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC112"
[562] "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC70" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnM-VAC25" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC113"
[565] "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnP-VAC71" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC51" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC36"
[568] "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC35" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnM-VAC66" "Microbacterium phage BarBear"
[571] "Microbacterium phage Wolfpack" "Microbacterium phage Namsahir" "Microbacterium phage JoBros"
[574] "Microbacterium phage Lunatic" "Microbacterium phage Jerky" "Microbacterium phage Sippinontea"
[577] "Microbacterium phage NeumannU" "Microbacterium phage Majesty" "Microbacterium phage JRok"
[580] "Microbacterium phage YertPhresh" "Microbacterium phage Bri160" "Microbacterium phage Bullzi2019"
[583] "Microbacterium phage PoRanda" "Microbacterium phage Jahseh" "Microbacterium phage TinyTruffula"
[586] "Microbacterium phage Hernandez44" "Microbacterium phage Livingwater" "Microbacterium phage Luxx"
[589] "Microbacterium phage Nobel" "Microbacterium phage Danno" "Microbacterium phage Otwor"
[592] "Microbacterium phage McShie" "Microbacterium phage Azizam" "Microbacterium phage HarperAnne"
[595] "Microbacterium phage Scrunchy" "Microbacterium phage Kaijohn" "Microbacterium phage Owens"
[598] "Microbacterium phage TeddyBoy" "Microbacterium phage Bradley2" "Microbacterium phage Vanisius"
[601] "Microbacterium phage Naby" "Gordonia phage GrandSlam" "Microbacterium phage Ciel"
[604] "Microbacterium phage Slentz" "Microbacterium phage Belthelas" "Microbacterium phage Hulk"
[607] "Microbacterium phage LaviMo" "Microbacterium phage Rhysand" "Microbacterium phage TimoTea"
[610] "Microbacterium phage Dongwon" "Microbacterium phage Efeko" "Microbacterium phage Miaurora"
[613] "Microbacterium phage Minima" "Microbacterium phage Scamander" "Gordonia phage DelRio"
[616] "Microbacterium phage Noelani" "Microbacterium phage Quaker" "Microbacterium phage KayPaulus"
[619] "Microbacterium phage VitulaEligans" "Microbacterium phage PaoPu" "Microbacterium phage BurtonThePup"
[622] "Microbacterium phage BonaeVitae" "Microcystis phage Mae-Yong924-2" "Verrucomicrobia phage P8625"
[625] "Enterococcus phage vB_Efm_LG62" "Xanthomonas phage BsXeu269p/3" "Staphylococcus phage phiSa2wa-st5.2"
[628] "Bacillus phage B13" "Vibrio phage vB_VpaP_1701" "Pectobacterium phage Mimer"
[631] "Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_Lh1B" "Bacillus phage vB_BanS-Thrax5" "Bacillus phage vB_BanS-Thrax4"
[634] "Bacillus phage vB_BanS-Thrax3" "Bacillus phage vB_BanS-Thrax2" "Bacillus phage vB_BanS-Thrax1"
[637] "Staphylococcus phage SAP13_TA-2022" "Staphylococcus phage SAP2_TA-2022" "Staphylococcus phage SAP1_TA-2022"
[640] "Rhodobacter phage RcWhiteOak" "Rhodobacter phage RcWata" "Rhodobacter phage RcSwan"
[643] "Rhodobacter phage RcRudolph" "Rhodobacter phage RcPeripeteia" "Rhodobacter phage RcPacific"
[646] "Rhodobacter phage RcMotherGoose" "Rhodobacter phage RcMenchie" "Rhodobacter phage RcMeacham"
[649] "Rhodobacter phage RcMcLean" "Rhodobacter phage RcMamaDuck" "Rhodobacter phage RcMaeve"
[652] "Rhodobacter phage RcLkye" "Rhodobacter phage RcKvothe" "Rhodobacter phage RcKickapoo"
[655] "Rhodobacter phage RcKeef" "Rhodobacter phage RcKai" "Rhodobacter phage RcJoli"
[658] "Rhodobacter phage RcExplorer" "Rhodobacter phage RcDora" "Rhodobacter phage RcCWillis"
[661] "Rhodobacter phage RcBigEagle" "Rhodobacter phage RcAquaphina" "Rhodobacter phage RcAqua"
[664] "Salmonella phage S5" "Pseudomonas phage U5" "Xanthomonas phage pXoo2107"
[667] "Xanthomonas phage pXoo2106" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoP_FFK3" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_SCS92"
[670] "Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_SCS4" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_SCS31" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_SCS44"
[673] "Escherichia phage vB_EcoM_SCS57" "Salmonella phage GRNsp03" "Actinomyces phage LC001"
[676] "Riemerella phage vB_RanS_PT15" "Microcystis phage Mae-Yong1326-1" "Arthrobacter phage Zucker"
[679] "Gordonia phage Morkie" "Gordonia phage Clap" "Microbacterium phage KyriosFaba"
[682] "Mycobacterium phage OmniCritical" "Microbacterium phage EdElric" "Microbacterium phage Fransoyer"
[685] "Streptomyces phage Sham" "Arthrobacter phage ScienceWizSam" "Mycobacterium phage Barkley26"
[688] "Halomonas phage YPHTV-1" "Stenotrophomonas phage vB_SmeS_BUCT704" "Shigella phage B2"
[691] "Salmonella phage vB_SalM_SPJ41" "Bacillus phage PK-3" "Klebsiella phage PSKm4DII"
[694] "Klebsiella phage PSKm2DI" "Serratia phage Seera" "Pectobacterium phage vB_PcaP_P15_PC2B6"
[697] "Salmonella phage T102" "Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus" "Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus"
[700] "Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnP1" "Salmonella phage PSP2-22"
[703] "Staphylococcus phage SA4_Green-2022a" "Gordonia phage Sour" "Klebsiella phage JKP2"
[706] "Escherichia phage ST2" "Escherichia phage ST4" "Vibrio phage phiKT1019"
[709] "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP2" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1u" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1s"
[712] "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1q" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1p" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1o"
[715] "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1n" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1m" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1l"
[718] "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1k" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1i" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1h"
[721] "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1g" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1f" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1d"
[724] "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1c" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1b" "Prochlorococcus phage P-SCSP1a"
[727] "Vibrio phage VPG01" "Archaeal virus sp." "Huginn virus"
[730] "Muninn virus" "Salmonella phage vB_SalM_PC127" "Klebsiella phage AYM"
[733] "Caulobacter phage RB23" "Caulobacter phage BL47" "Caulobacter phage J4"
[736] "Caulobacter phage C2" "Caulobacter phage C1" "Dickeya phage DchS19"
[739] "Escherichia phage UE-S1" "Synechococcus phage BUCT-ZZ01" "Escherichia phage ECP52"
[742] "Erwinia phage Stepyanka" "Bacillus phage BC-1" "Xanthomonas phage HXX_Dennis"
[745] "Vibrio phage vB_VnaS-L3" "Plectonema phage JingP1" "Escherichia phage N2"
[748] "Klebsiella phage S9a" "Aeromonas phage Aer_P220" "Aeromonas phage JELG-KS1"
[751] "Klebsiella phage JB48" "Cedecea phage Yanou" "Mycolicibacterium phage Kashi_SSH1"
[754] "Escherichia phage hz69" "Vibrio phage vB_VpS_CC6" "Escherichia phage A221"
[757] "Vibrio phage vB_VpP_AC2" "Fusobacterium phage JD-Fnp4" "Fusobacterium phage JD-Fnp5"
[760] "Fusobacterium phage JD-Fnp3" "Fusobacterium phage JD-Fnp2" "Fusobacterium phage JD-Fnp1"
[763] "Vibrio phage 217E38-1" "Vibrio phage 193E37-1" "Vibrio phage 120E34-1"
[766] "Vibrio phage 242E40-1" "Vibrio phage 381E49-1" "Vibrio phage 275E43-1"
[769] "Vibrio phage 230E39-1" "Vibrio phage 393E50-1" "Vibrio phage 282E43-1"
[772] "Vibrio phage 237E40-1" "Vibrio phage 137E35-1" "Vibrio phage 382E49-1"
[775] "Vibrio phage 150E35-1" "Vibrio phage 489E54-1" "Vibrio phage 177E37-1"
[778] "Vibrio phage 468E53-1" "Vibrio phage 511E55-1" "Vibrio phage 466E53-1"
[781] "Vibrio phage 141E35-1" "Vibrio phage 142E35-1" "Vibrio phage 413E50-1"
[784] "Vibrio phage 405E50-1" "Vibrio phage 455E52-1" "Vibrio phage 417E50-1"
[787] "Vibrio phage 277E43-1" "Vibrio phage 501E54-1" "Vibrio phage 416E50-1"
[790] "Vibrio phage 284E43-1" "Vibrio phage 409E50-1" "Vibrio phage 402E50-1"
[793] "Vibrio phage 384E50-1" "Vibrio phage 496E54-1" "Vibrio phage 199E37-1"
[796] "Vibrio phage 495E54-1" "Vibrio phage 22O28-1" "Vibrio phage 191E37-1"
[799] "Vibrio phage 424E50-1" "Vibrio phage 521E56-1" "Vibrio phage 464E53-1"
[802] "Vibrio phage 168E36-1" "Vibrio phage 131E34-1" "Vibrio phage 448O51-1"
[805] "Vibrio phage 434O48-1" "Vibrio phage 115E34-1" "Vibrio phage 121E34-1"
[808] "Vibrio phage 141O35-1" "Vibrio phage 456E52-1" "Vibrio phage 236O40-1"
[811] "Vibrio phage 249E41-1" "Mycobacterium phage Yorick" "Microbacterium phage JasperRussell"
[814] "Mycobacterium Phage Rosmarinus" "Gordonia phage Widow" "Mycobacterium Phage Sunflower1121"
[817] "Microbacterium phage Publix" "Gordonia Phage Phauci" "Streptomyces phage Marky"
[820] "Gordonia phage Finkle" "Gordonia phage Oregano" "Microbacterium phage Birdfeeder"
[823] "Mycobacterium Phage Bench" "Mycobacterium phage Mikro" "Streptomyces phage Stigma"
[826] "Mycobacterium phage Charles1" "Streptomyces phage HFrancette" "Arthrobacter phage Darby"
[829] "Mycobacterium Phage Topper" "Streptomyces phage Stuff" "Gordonia Phage Sampson"
[832] "Gordonia Phage StorminNorm" "Arthrobacter phage Trustiboi" "Gordonia phage Periwinkle"
[835] "Gordonia phage StarStruck" "Mycobacterium phage Virgeve" "Gordonia phage PokyPuppy"
[838] "Mycobacterium phage MelsMeow" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-VAC111" "Serratia phage vB_SmaP-Kaonashi"
[841] "Escherichia phage ZL19" "Cyanophage S-TIM5" "Mycobacterium phage prophiFSQJ01-1"
[844] "Mycobacterium phage prophiFSIL01-1" "Mycobacterium phage prophiFVLQ01-1" "Mycobacterium phage McProf"
[847] "Mycobacterium phage prophiFSAT01-1" "Janthinobacterium phage vB_JliM-Donnerlittchen" "Escherichia phage S192"
[850] "Escherichia phage S164" "Eggerthella phage PMBT5" "Mycobacterium phage TA17A"
[853] "Mycobacterium phage MacnCheese" "Mycobacterium phage JAWS" "Mycobacterium phage MrGordon"
[856] "Vibrio phage ICP3" "Vibrio phage ICP3" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS_Uniso31"
[859] "Escherichia phage 6947" "Escherichia phage 6925" "Salmonella phage vB_Sal_PHB48"
[862] "Staphylococcus phage PMBT9" "Bifidobacterium phage PMBT6" "Lactobacillus phage PMBT4"
[865] "Pseudomonas phage PMBT3" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-MaInes" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-StAshley"
[868] "Brevundimonas phage vB_BgoS-Bajun" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Bambus" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Marchewka"
[871] "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Gurke" "Stenotrophomonas phage A1432" "Shigella phage Henu11"
[874] "Phage vB_KsaM-C1" "Pectobacterium phage vB_PcaM_P7_Pc" "Cytobacillus phage Bfsp1"
[877] "Serratia phage MQ-4" "Staphylococcus phage LSA2311" "Vibrio phage PVA23"
[880] "Vibrio phage PVA8" "Tetragenococcus phage phiWJ7" "Staphylococcus phage CUB-EPI_14"
[883] "Salmonella phage GRNsp50" "Salmonella phage GRNsp27" "Salmonella phage GRNsp7"
[886] "Xanthomonas phage BUDD" "Synechococcus phage S-SRP02" "Gordonia phage NovumRegina"
[889] "Klebsiella phage GTai-2021a" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS_L-h 1M" "Escherichia phage CLB_P3"
[892] "Escherichia phage CLB_P2" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-KLPN8" "Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS-KLPN7"
[895] "Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS-KLPN6" "Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS-KLPN5" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-KLPN4"
[898] "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-KLPN3" "Klebsiella phage vB_KpnS-KLPN2" "Microviridae sp."
[901] "Elizabethkingia phage TCUEAP3" "Elizabethkingia phage TCUEAP2" "Salmonella phage vB_SpuS_NX263"
[904] "Escherichia phage vB_Eco_PATM" "Escherichia phage vB_Eco_Titus" "Salmonella phage JN-S202001"
[907] "Bacteroides phage EMB2" "Bacteroides phage EMB1" "Klebsiella phage AYL"
[910] "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021a" "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021a" "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021a"
[913] "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021a" "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021a" "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021a"
[916] "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021b" "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021b" "Acinetobacter phage MD-2021b"
[919] "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Babayka" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BgoS-Fanboy" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Polewnik"
[922] "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Strzyga" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Poludnitsa" "Luteibacter phage vB_LflM-Pluto"
[925] "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Papperlapapp" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BgoS-BabaJaga" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Kikimora"
[928] "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Leszy" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Domovoi" "Brevundimonas phage vB_BpoS-Kabachok"
[931] "Escherichia phage vB_EcoM-PM133" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS-UTI89UKE1" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoP-101114BS3"
[934] "Burkholderia phage Carl1" "Escherichia phage TM1" "Salmonella phage pse-D34"
[937] "Salmonella phage CTH7" "Salmonella phage nctD30" "Mycobacterium phage Poompha"
[940] "Arthrobacter phage Casserole" "Microbacterium phage KannH" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa24"
[943] "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa14" "Pseudomonas phage vB_PaeM_FBPa50" "Staphylococcus phage Sazerac"
[946] "Salmonella phage PSE-D1" "Pseudomonas phage OMKO1" "Staphylococcus phage Sushi"
[949] "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS-CHD5UKE2" "Escherichia phage vB_EcoS-CHD2B1" "Enterobacter phage fGh-Ecl04"
[952] "Enterobacter phage fGh-Ecl02" "Enterobacter phage fGh-Ecl01" "Pseudomonas phage Ka2"
[955] "Pseudarthrobacter phage KshKPC-M" "Bacillus phage vB_BteM-A9Y" "Brochothrix phage ADU4"
[958] "Staphylococcus phage Rih21" "Citromicrobium phage vB_CbaS-RXM" "Escherichia phage CMSTMSU"
[961] "Mycobacterium phage Phaux" "Escherichia phage vB_Eco_Bam" "Escherichia phage vB_Eco_AL25"
[964] "Escherichia phage vB_Eco_TB34" "Escherichia phage vB_Eco_Tribble" "Escherichia phage vB_Eco_Mak"
[967] "Brevibacterium phage Rousseau" "Leuconostoc phage Diderot" "Psychrobacter phage D'Alembert"
[970] "Glutamicibacter phage Montesquieu" "Glutamicibacter phage Voltaire" "Escherichia phage Cyrano"
[973] "Escherichia phage Perceval" "Escherichia phage Cartapus" "Escherichia phage Tritos"
[976] "Escherichia phage Gally" "Staphylococcus phage vB_SurP-PSU3" "Curtobacterium phage Parvaparticeps"
[979] "Curtobacterium phage Reje" "Erwinia phage Zoomie" "Curtobacterium phage Pize"
[982] "Curtobacterium phage Penoan" "Erwinia phage Snitter" "Erwinia phage Pecta"
[985] "Escherichia phage phi2013" "Pseudomonas phage PP9W2" "Escherichia phage ASU11"
[988] "Escherichia phage A51.2" "Escherichia phage I29" "Enterococcus phage Sw5"
[991] "Escherichia phage W115" "Escherichia phage A4" "Fusobacterium phage JD-Fnp6"
[994] "Kurthia phage vb_KgiM_P1" "Streptomyces phage Ejemplo" "Mycobacterium phage Tiri"
[997] "Streptomyces phage VieEnRose" "Mycobacterium phage Guwapp" "Gordonia phage Phabuloso"
[1000] "Microbacterium phage DoTi"
[ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 17406 entries ]
Filtering of Dataframes
You can also use the subset() function to create data frame subsets based on logical statements. subset() takes the data frame as the first argument and then a logical statement as the second argument create a subset.
subset(dataset, (dataset$molGC.... > 50))
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines,↩︎